IFC 2019 Closing Plenary: Srishti Bakshi, Elvis Eze and Joanna Sustento

IFC 2019 Closing Plenary: Srishti Bakshi, Elvis Eze and Joanna Sustento

IFC has a way of firing you up… no doubt about it. If we’ve made you rethink e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, we call that a win.

Our closing keynote session no doubt will have you on your feet and the edge of your seat, because it brings together three young people who clearly put the “act” in activism. And that’s important because without it, it’s just “ivism” and, well, that really doesn’t mean anything, does it?

Join us as we close out the conference hearing from Srishti Bakshi, who left her marketing career to embark on a 2,300-mile walk across India to educate people in local communities on gender-based violence and inequality; Elvis Eze, an outspoken emergency medicine physician dedicated to ending the terrible plague of malaria; and Joanna Sustento, who after losing her family in Super Typhoon Haiyan became the human face of the climate crisis and travelled the world to highlight the devastating impact of climate change.

Joanna, Elvis and Srishti speak beautifully to our 2019 theme, “Time for Action.” Like our opening keynote speaker, they embody the spirit that moves one person to touch the lives of many. Their stories will challenge you to shake loose any stagnancy, dig deep into what motivates you to do the work you do, and power up your efforts on behalf of the causes you so diligently champion.

IFC 2019 Closing Plenary

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Srishti Bakshi (India)
IFC 2019 Closing Plenary Speaker
Elvis Eze (Nigeria)
IFC 2019 Closing Plenary Speaker
Joanna Sustento (Philippines)
IFC 2019 Closing Plenary Speaker