Markel R. Méndez H.

Markel is a social communicator with a masters degree in Communication for Social Development. He is passionate about social innovation, he has worked with an International NGO, as Communications Specialist for the Latin America Region and Globally.
Markel is also an adviser and consultant in Communications for Social Innovation and for the Development of Socio-Emotional Skills, focused in support for leaders and agents of social change.

Who are your heroes?

I have many people who inspire me. Artists like Picasso, Grotowski, Dali; Writers like Garcia Marquez, Kundera, Dostoevsky; Thinkers like J.E. Marina, Carotenuto, James Hillman.

I admire the potential of creativity. The people who take the risk of create something for this Word, are my masters.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Enjoy every moment of your life. Be present and accept the events always as opportunities to learn and improve.

Why do you do what you do for a living?

Because I believe in the potential of human creativity a path for happiness and development. I am sure that the base of peaceful communities and better quality of life for all, is the improvement of communication processes.

Describe yourself in three words.

Communicative. Creative. Honest.

Describe your life in six words.

Connect with others and learn together.