Getting to know your donors better

Getting to know your donors better

How a ground-breaking way of using external data transformed fundraising



About this session

A case study of the Swedish Heart Lung Foundation’s Donor Loyalty Project – hear how the use of external supporter data made the charity more relevant to donors and increased engagement.

This session will inspire you to new ways of using data. Charities know a lot about their donors from internal data but few really understand who they are in their day-to-day lives. Sofie will share her own experience of adding external data to her analysis to learn a lot more about the charity’s supporters.

You’ll be guided through the project step-by-step and shown how the extra data was used in the distribution of content which ultimately improved engagement metrics.

Examples will be shared of how insights and data tools can be used in digital fundraising and the value they can bring.


Aimed at

People interested in hands-on fundraising:  

  • CRM-specialists  
  • Content managers  
  • Direct marketers  
  • Data analysts  
  • Statisticians  
  • Strategists


Learning outcomes

  • Why understanding the human side of your supporters improves your skills as a fundraiser
  • The importance of organisational buy-in and implementation across several departments
  • What it takes to replicate this approach


About the speaker

With 13 years of fundraising experience, starting in campaigns, direct mail and fundraising appeals, Sofie Redzematovic, or “Red” for short, has over time specialised on what happens behind the scenes.

With a background in behavioural science and CRM, she began to study donor behavior in 2010. An interest in donor loyalty grew and took hold. She is now a specialist in the strategic use of segmentation, predictive modeling and donor insights.

Sofie’s focus is developing the organisation from within, using all the talent, data, knowledge and technology possible to increase donations to the fight against heart and lung disease.

She is passionate about the donor experience, always taking time to chat with a donor whenever possible. Because although she works mainly under the bonnet, the donor’s perspective is always the driving force behind all she does.




Sofie Redzematovic (Sweden)
Business Developer, The Swedish Heart Lung Foundation