What are the biggest challenges facing our sector?
This fast-paced series of roundtable discussions is a chance for you to crawl out of your own day-to-day dilemmas, those ornery issues that keep you focused on the here and now, and look at the big picture.
This is a chance to discuss with colleagues from around the world what the biggest challenges that we face as a sector now and in the near future.
You’ll get to hash out the whys and hows… the challenges, the environment and issues that created them, the potential solutions, and even how to turn challenges into opportunities.
Format: World café
Call it the speed dating of the conference world! In the World Café, groups of four to six participants gather to discuss a question presented by the moderator.
After 15 to 20 minutes, each member of each group moves to a different table to continue the discussion with new tablemates.
Once all rounds have been completed, key points from each table are presented to the whole group for a final collective discussion.