Five fundraising optimisations backed by data

Specific content optimisations to drive conversions for your donors

The Wikimedia Foundation’s fundraising team runs hundreds of controlled tests every year to optimise the giving experience for millions of Wikipedia readers around the world. These tests produce statistically significant increases in donation rate, average gift, new/returning rate, and one-time vs. recurring rate – critical KPIs for the organisation.

These tests aren’t specific to the Wikimedia Foundation and have been proven to translate to other organisations and other channels. This session will give you concrete example of tests that have been run, backed by data, as well as practical tips you can apply even when testing isn’t possible.

You’ll leave the session with links to tools you can use to support your optimisation programme and a different perspective on fundraising from a nonprofit that has one of the broadest donor bases in the world (citation needed!).


Samuel Rodgers Patton
Senior Manager, Fundraising Growth & Innovation, Wikimedia Foundation