The Power of Responsive Campaigning

Tapping into cultural moments to achieve greater impact.

Do you want to be more responsive to the fast-moving news cycle, current events, and political developments?

This session will introduce you to the power of responsive campaigning – with examples of when it works best and the results it can drive. Drawing on extensive experience working with multiple partners to build their capacity for responsive campaigning, the workshop will outline how to set your organisation up for success. Working hands on, you will build a mock responsive campaign that will help you think laterally about how you can capitalise on news moments and tap into public conversation to achieve impact and raise funds.

You will hear first-hand about the campaign led by Greenpeace Africa reinstate the ban on logging in community and public forests in Kenya, which was developed in response to a news article. Within a month, the campaign mobilised tens of thousands of people, saw the ban reinstated, and resulted in Greenpeace Africa’s most successful fundraising email of the year.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn how to spot opportunities
  • Gain an understanding of how to set up organisation up to deliver it effectively
  • Find out what messaging and tactics motivate audiences to act


Tracy Makheti
Digital Mobilisation Officer, Greenpeace Africa
Ali Walker Davies
Interim CEO, Forward Action