This workshop is an introduction – for those not yet familiar with neuroscience – to the principal learnings and test results from behavioural marketing, neuromarketing, psychology, and behavioural science. We will specifically focus on in-person major donor solicitation and what we can learn from neuroscience about how to approach major donors.
Aimed at:
Those new to neuroscience and those seeking to get an overview of research and test results from neurofundraising.
Learning outcomes:
- You will learn new ways to understand what motivates giving.
- You will learn surprising test results on how to individually engage in encounters with key individuals.
- You will learn how to use subliminal cues and strategies with major donors to engage, volunteer, and give.
- You will be introduced to some basic principles of neuroscience (e.g. mirroring, social proof, etc.) in the context of major donor solicitations.