Beyond Facebook: The art of sustainable fundraising

Beyond Facebook: The art of sustainable fundraising

About this session

In the back of the mind of any fundraiser relying on Facebook and other social networks is the concern about what might happen should those channels cease to operate or change the way they work. This session will give you a new model for thinking about fundraising on any social network, including ways to generate both revenue and new supporters in a way that is sustainable long-term. Learn to future-proof your fundraising while preserving the integrity of your brand and tone. Participants will get advice on how to maximise existing warm channels like SMS and email, and take part in a frank discussion on both the advantages and challenges of working with large partners like Facebook. Additionally, the session will cover building your portfolio of donation and fundraising products to avoid the problem of distribution.

This session is CFRE-accredited. Attendance at the session, in conjunction with the speaker Q&A that follows, is worth one point.






Nick Burne (UK)
Managing Partner, Nick Burne Consulting