What if a fundraising relationship gets too personal?

Walking the fine line between personal and professional relationships

Would you meet a major donor alone? Beware of what can happen when a fundraising relationship turns into a personal one.

Discrimination and #MeToo are as relevant in fundraising and relationship-building as they are in every other professional sphere and they deserve a lot more attention in our sector than they’re currently getting.

This interactive workshop will introduce the topic using external examples as well as examples from within the social impact sector. Participants will share their awareness and experiences and come away with an action plan to help ensure a safe working environment in their organisations.

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to increase their knowledge of how the #MeToo movement is relevant to our sector, particularly those in leadership positions.

Learning outcomes

  • Increase your awareness of the issue in our sector
  • Gain an insight into the perspectives of others in our sector and their experiences
  • Get equipped with arguments and an action plan to address the topic in your own organisation and to be able to prevent issues arising and deal with them if they do


Nienke Teunissen
Coordinator International Fundraising, War Child Holland
Jan Uekermann
Co-founder, Stiftung Leaders of Tomorrow