Fundraising in times of crisis

Overcoming chaos to make a real impact

With global instability on the rise, more of us will be fundraising through crises, maintaining operations in the face of climate change, war, and more. In this session, you will discover insights gained from leading a charity successfully through two years of war in Ukraine.

You will learn ways to draw attention to your campaigns in times of crisis; about quickly adapting your projects to crisis conditions; how to interact with the media, donors, and other audiences in the face of social instability; and about the tools that can ensure your projects receive attention and support and don’t get lost in the chaos.

The session will explore how to consider risks and develop response strategies, give you an understanding of how to interact with different target audiences for successful fundraising during a crisis, and show you the skills and knowledge you need to work on to be prepared for a crisis event.


Yulia Ridchenko
Development Director, 280 Days Charity Fund