Launching your Digital Mobilisation Programme

A DIY guide to launching digital mobilisation at your organisation.

Digital mobilisation is the practice of using digital techniques to attract and inspire the public to actively participate in your organisation’s goal, vision, and mission. It’s more than a digital fundraising strategy; it’s a strategy designed to attract large-scale public support and convert that support into action across the full spectrum of time, money, and voice actions.

The ultimate goal of implementing a programme like this is to inspire active participation in bringing about the change you and the public want to see. Greenpeace, Green New Deal Rising, Amnesty, and political campaigns all over the world have used digital mobilisation techniques as the catalyst to build or harness the energy of existing movements in order to bring about change.

Done well, digital mobilisation delivers:

  • More reach: We reach a higher proportion of the public with our message
  • More action: We inspire the people we reach to take action alongside us
  • More money: We raise money (fundraising is not the dominant action but central to the approach)
  • More impact: We apply more pressure to decision makes by harnessing the power of the masses

In this session, you will discover why small migrants’ rights charity Praxis embraced the digital mobilisation model, how they developed their strategy and how, with small budgets, they turned their strategy into increased reach, impact, scale of support, online income, and volume of campaign actions. You will hear how Praxis delivered transformational growth – and how the digital mobilisation model could help your organisation experience it, too.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand what digital mobilisation is and why to implement it
  • Get the inspiration and practical steps you need to launch a programme at your organisation
  • Leave with a guide to getting started with digital mobilisation to use when you’re back at the office


Anya Jhoti
Digital Engagement Coordinator, Praxis
Paul de Gregorio
Founder, Rally