The next billion change-makers: Harnessing the power of digital connectivity, social media, and strategic partnerships to change lives

For the last several years, Percolate Galactic has worked hand-in-hand with Girl Effect as it entered the Indonesian market and launched Springster, its ground-breaking, social change brand now live in over 60 countries. Springster is on a mission to create a new normal for and with Indonesia’s most vulnerable of adolescent (12- to 20-year-old) girls through lightweight, mobile-first and high-impact digital strategies. By establishing mutually beneficial partnerships, including collaborations and sponsorships with Google, Facebook, and Nutrition International, we have been able to keep overhead minimal while we build a comprehensive digital media brand that has reached millions of girls. During this workshop, we will address some of the challenges related to finding sponsorships for a project with a demographic that is, at first glance, no commercial entity’s target demographic. We will also share case studies of some of our most successful partnerships to date and some of the plans and strategies that are in place for future development. And, of course, we will discuss our failures and what we learned from them.

Learning outcomes
  • How to think creatively about who to reach out to and how to market sponsorship, partnership and collaboration opportunities
  • How to have the heart of an NGO and the brain of a business
  • How to use digital strategies and rich data to maximize value-add.
Who should attend: Businesses looking to maximize their CSR impact, tech companies looking to reach the ‘next billion’, organizations wanting to explore cost-effective digital strategies, and anyone interested in creating mutually beneficial partnerships.
Session style: We will have multimedia presentation with video, well-designed decks, visually appealing data-sets, and also Q&A opportunities.


Samantha Jackson (Indonesia)
Managing Director, Percolate Galactic
Jonathan McKay (USA)
Director of Springster, Girl Effect