Uniting with your donors

Achieve collective wins and unlock a gateway to greater giving

As a sector, have we lost sight of what really matters? That is… our beloved donors. We shout at them and we spend a lot of time and energy demanding their attention and their cash. And yet, we often get in the way of allowing them to do the one thing they want to do more than anything else: to help us win!

This energetic (and potentially pearl clutching) session will show you how, by acknowledging who your donors are and where they are at in their lives, you can unlock a gateway to greater giving and higher performing individual giving programmes. Every day and forever.

If you want to see how your current direct mail or print advert compares, bring it along with you!

Who is it for?

Directors of development, marketing, and communications

Learning outcomes

  • Learn the fundamentals of effective, money-raising direct response that focuses on the needs of the donor
  • Discover the ongoing importance of print for fundraising and how to use it best
  • Get hundreds of tips, tricks, and tactics based on testing, experience, & behaviour science


Emma Malcolm
Director of Fundraising & Marketing, Macular Society