Making Unrestricted Asks from High-Value Donors

This is fundraising without borders.

How can your organisation meet the challenges of the next decade if it is not granted the freedom to act – to transform society, humanity, and the world for the better? We know what needs to be done. Our partners know what needs to be done. But we can’t do what needs to be done if our hands are tied by restricted grants and donations.

Unrestricted income is the path to liberation and independence, allowing our organisations to be the best they can be. We need to move from a model of income growth to impact growth; more and more, this means we need unrestricted gifts.

This workshop will give you effective examples of how to speak to your donors – and colleagues – about the case for unrestricted support. You’ll be taken out of your comfort zone, trying out objection-handling scripts and new donor approaches.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn how to make a compelling case for unrestricted gifts, both with your donors and with your fundraising department
  • Build your confidence and emerge with a tried-and-tested approach
  • Develop your fundraising skills through incorporating role-play and simulating donot meetings in a safe space

Want to explore this topic in more detail? This workshop is also being run as a long-form masterclass.


Oli Gell
Head of Global Philanthropy Development, Save the Children International
Rebecca Davies
Chief Revenue and Marketing Officer, CARE Canada